Chapter 5 Data-cubes or SpatRaster

Whats is a Spatraster?

A SpatRaster represents multi-layer (multi-variable) raster data. It always stores a number of fundamental parameters describing its geometry. These include the number of columns and rows, the spatial extent, and the Coordinate Reference System.

In addition, a SpatRaster can store information about the file in which the raster cell values are stored (equivalent to Raster Stack). Or, if there is no such file, a SpatRaster can hold the cell values in memory (equivalent to Raster Brick from the older raster package).

Note: Raster operations on cell values stored in memory are usually faster but computationally intensive.

5.1 Create, subset and visualize SpatRaster

We will create multilayer SpatRaster for NDVI and SMAP SM from the sample dataset and demonstrate several applications and operations. Working with SpatRaster is very similar to working with regular arrays or lists.

#~~~ Create and plot NDVI SpatRaster

# Location of the NDVI raster files
ndvi_path="./SampleData-master/raster_files/NDVI/" #Specify location of NDVI rasters

# List of all NDVI rasters
## [1] "./SampleData-master/raster_files/NDVI/NDVI_resamp_2016-01-01.tif"
## [2] "./SampleData-master/raster_files/NDVI/NDVI_resamp_2016-01-17.tif"
## [3] "./SampleData-master/raster_files/NDVI/NDVI_resamp_2016-02-02.tif"
## [4] "./SampleData-master/raster_files/NDVI/NDVI_resamp_2016-02-18.tif"
## [5] "./SampleData-master/raster_files/NDVI/NDVI_resamp_2016-03-05.tif"
## [6] "./SampleData-master/raster_files/NDVI/NDVI_resamp_2016-03-21.tif"

Let’s import NDVI rasters from the location and store as a 3D data cube. We will use lapply, map, and for loop using addlayer function to import rasters from paths stored ras_list. We will also learn how to add shapefiles to the background of all plots made using RasterBrick/Stack.

# Method 1: Use lapply to create raster layer list from the raster location
ras_list = lapply(paste(ras_path, sep = ""), rast)
#This a list of 23 raster objects stored as individual elements.

#Convert raster layer lists to data cube/Spatraster 
ras_stack = rast(ras_list)     # Stacking all rasters as a data cube!!! 
# This a multi-layer (23 layers in this case) SpatRaster Object.

#inMemory() reports whether the raster data is stored in memory or on disk.
## [1] FALSE
# Method 2: Using pipes to create raster layers from the raster location
library(tidyr) # For piping
ras_list = ras_path %>%  purrr::map(~ rast(.x))  # Import the raster
ras_stack = rast(ras_list)  # Convert RasterStack to RasterBrick

# Method 3: Using for loop to create raster layers from the raster location
for (nRun in 1:length(ras_path)){

# Check dimension of data cube
dim(ras_stack) #[x: y: z]- 23 raster layers with 456 x 964 cells
## [1] 456 964  23
# Number of layers in raster brick
## [1] 23
# Check variable names 
##  [1] "NDVI_resamp_2016-01-01" "NDVI_resamp_2016-01-17" "NDVI_resamp_2016-02-02"
##  [4] "NDVI_resamp_2016-02-18" "NDVI_resamp_2016-03-05" "NDVI_resamp_2016-03-21"
##  [7] "NDVI_resamp_2016-04-06" "NDVI_resamp_2016-04-22" "NDVI_resamp_2016-05-08"
## [10] "NDVI_resamp_2016-05-24" "NDVI_resamp_2016-06-09" "NDVI_resamp_2016-06-25"
## [13] "NDVI_resamp_2016-07-11" "NDVI_resamp_2016-07-27" "NDVI_resamp_2016-08-12"
## [16] "NDVI_resamp_2016-08-28" "NDVI_resamp_2016-09-13" "NDVI_resamp_2016-09-29"
## [19] "NDVI_resamp_2016-10-15" "NDVI_resamp_2016-10-31" "NDVI_resamp_2016-11-16"
## [22] "NDVI_resamp_2016-12-02" "NDVI_resamp_2016-12-18"
# Subset raster stack/brick (notice the double [[]] bracket and similarity to lists)
sub_ras_stack=ras_stack[[c(1,3,5,10,12)]] #Select 1st, 3rd, 5th, 10th and 12th layers

#Try subsetting with dates:
Season<-str_subset(string = names(ras_stack), pattern = c("20..-0[3/4/5]")) 
## class       : SpatRaster 
## dimensions  : 456, 964, 6  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
## resolution  : 0.373444, 0.373444  (x, y)
## extent      : -180, 180, -85.24595, 85.0445  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84 (EPSG:4326) 
## sources     : NDVI_resamp_2016-03-05.tif  
##               NDVI_resamp_2016-03-21.tif  
##               NDVI_resamp_2016-04-06.tif  
##               ... and 3 more source(s)
## names       : NDVI_~03-05, NDVI_~03-21, NDVI_~04-06, NDVI_~04-22, NDVI_~05-08, NDVI_~05-24 
## min values  :  -0.2000000,  -0.1755170,  -0.1699783,  -0.1848017,  -0.1990750,  -0.1863334 
## max values  :   0.9168695,   0.9095000,   0.9042087,   0.9123000,   0.9446000,   0.8917526
#~~ Plot first 4 elements of NDVI SpatRaster
# Function to add shapefile to a raster plot
  plot(vect(coastlines), add=TRUE)   #convert 'coastlines' to vector format

terra::plot(sub_ras_stack[[1:4]],  # Select raster layers to plot
     col=mypal2,                   # Specify colormap
     asp=NA,                       # Aspect ratio= NA
     fun=addCoastlines)            # Add coastline to each layer

Expert Note: For memory intensive rasters to brick formation, the “for” loop method may be better to avoid memory bottleneck.

5.2 Geospatial operations on SpatRaster

In this section, we will demonstrate application of several operations on SpatRaster for e.g. extracting time series at user-defined locations, spatial data extraction using spatial polygons/raster, crop and masking of SpatRaster.

5.2.1 Time-series extraction from SpatRaster

Raster extraction is the process of identifying and returning the values associated with a ‘target’ raster at specific locations, based on a vector object. The results depend on the type of vector object used (points, lines or polygons) and arguments passed to the terra::extract() function.

We will demonstrate two ways of extracting time series information from SpatRaster.

Method 1: Using terra::extract function to extract time series data for specific location(s)

#~~~~ Method 1.1: Extract values for a single location

# User defined lat and long
Long=-96.33; Lat=30.62 
# Creating a spatial vector object from the location coords
college_station = vect(SpatialPoints(cbind(Long, Lat)))

# Extract time series for the location
                 college_station,    # lat-long as spatial locations
                 method='bilinear')  # or "simple" for nearest neighbor

# Create a dataframe using the dates (derived from raster layer names) and extracted values
ndvi_ts=data.frame(Time=c(1:nlyr(ras_stack)), # Sequence of retrieval time
                   NDVI=as.numeric(ndvi_val[,-1]))     #NDVI values
# Try changing Time to as.Date(substr(colnames(ndvi_val),13,22), format = "%Y.%m.%d")

# Plot NDVI time series extracted from raster brick/stack
plot(ndvi_ts, type="l", col="maroon", ylim=c(0.2,0.8))

Let us now extract values for multiple locations.

#~~~~ Method 1.2:  Extract values for multiple locations
# Import sample locations from contrasting hydroclimate
loc= read_excel("./SampleData-master/location_points.xlsx")
## # A tibble: 3 x 4
##   Aridity   State     Longitude Latitude
##   <chr>     <chr>         <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1 Humid     Louisiana     -92.7     34.3
## 2 Arid      Nevada       -116.      38.7
## 3 Semi-arid Kansas        -99.8     38.8
# Extract time series using "raster::extract"
                         #2-column matrix or data.frame with lat-long
                         # Use bilinear interpolation (or simple) option

The rows in loc_ndvi variable corresponds to the points specified by the user, namely humid, arid and semi-arid locations. Let’s plot the extracted NDVI for three locations to look for patterns (influence on climate on vegetation).

# Create a new data frame with dates of retrieval and NDVI for different hydroclimates
ndvi_locs = data.frame(Date=ymd(substr(colnames(ndvi_val[,-1]),13,22)),
                      Humid = as.numeric(loc_ndvi[1,-1]),    #Location 1
                      Arid = as.numeric(loc_ndvi[2,-1]),     #Location 2
                      SemiArid = as.numeric(loc_ndvi[3,-1])) #Location 3

# Convert data frame in "long" format for plotting using ggplot
df_long=ndvi_locs %>% gather(Climate,NDVI,-Date)
#"-" sign indicates decreasing order
##         Date Climate      NDVI
## 1 2016-01-01   Humid 0.5919486
## 2 2016-01-17   Humid 0.5762772
## 3 2016-02-02   Humid 0.5570874
## 4 2016-02-18   Humid 0.5752835
# Plot NDVI for different locations (hydroclimates). Do we see any pattern?? 
l = ggplot(df_long,               # Dataframe with input Dataset 
          aes(x=Date,             # X-variable
              y=NDVI,             # Y-variable
              group=Climate)) +   # Group by climate 
  geom_line(aes(color=Climate))+  # Line color based on climate variable
  geom_point(aes(color=Climate))+ # Point color based on climate variable 

Method 2: Use rowFromY or rowFromX to find row and column number of the raster for the location.

#~~~~ Method 2: Retrieve values using cell row and column number
row = rowFromY(ras_stack[[1]], Lat)    # Gives row number for the selected Lat
col = colFromX(ras_stack[[1]], Long)   # Gives column number for the selected Long
ras_stack[row,col][1:5]                # First five elements of data cube for selected x-y
##   NDVI_resamp_2016-01-01 NDVI_resamp_2016-01-17 NDVI_resamp_2016-02-02
## 1              0.5614925              0.5193725              0.4958409
##   NDVI_resamp_2016-02-18 NDVI_resamp_2016-03-05
## 1              0.5731566              0.6259534

5.2.2 Spatial extraction/summary from SpatRaster

Let’s try extracting values of SpatRaster (for all layers simultaneously) based on polygon features using extract function.

#~~~~ Method 1: Extract values based on spatial polygons
IPCC_shp = read_sf("./SampleData-master/CMIP_land/CMIP_land.shp")

# Calculates the 'mean' of all cells within each feature of 'IPCC_shp' for each layers
ndvi_sp = terra::extract(ras_stack,   # Data cube
                         vect(IPCC_shp),    # Shapefile for feature reference 

##   ID NDVI_resamp_2016.01.01 NDVI_resamp_2016.01.17 NDVI_resamp_2016.02.02
## 1  1            -0.08325353            -0.05983509            -0.04461097
## 2  2             0.02765715             0.02737234             0.03172858
## 3  3             0.21922899             0.22114161             0.21826435
##   NDVI_resamp_2016.02.18
## 1            -0.03795020
## 2             0.03084664
## 3             0.27331317

We can also use a classified raster like aridity data we previously used, to extract values corresponding to each class of values using lapply and selective filtering. Note: The two rasters must have same extent and resolution.

#~~~~ Method 2: Extract values based on another raster
aridity = rast("./SampleData-master/raster_files/aridity_36km.tif")

# Create an empty list to store extracted feature 
climate_ndvi = list()
# Extracts the time series of NDVI for pixels for each climate region
climate_ndvi = lapply(list(1,2,3,4,5),function(x) (na.omit((ras_stack[aridity==x]))))

# Calculate and store mean NDVI for each climate region
climate_ndvi_mean = lapply(list(1,2,3,4,5),function(x) (mean(ras_stack[aridity==x], na.rm=TRUE)))

     type = "b", 
     ylab = "Climate_NDVI_Mean", 
     xlab = "Aridity Index")

5.2.3 Crop and mask SpatRaster

We will now crop and mask SpatRaster using shapefile from the disk or from imported shapefile from spData::us_states. crop function clips the raster to the extent provided. mask removes the area outside the provided shapefile. Alternatively, we can import shapefile from disk using read_sf function.

# Import polygons for polygons for USA at level 1 i.e. state from disk

state_shapefile = read_sf("./SampleData-master/USA_states/cb_2018_us_state_5m.shp")

# Alternatively, use dataset from 'spData' package 'spData::us_states'

# Print variable names
##  [7] "LSAD"     "ALAND"    "AWATER"   "geometry"
# Print state/ territory names
##  [1] "Nebraska"                                    
##  [2] "Washington"                                  
##  [3] "New Mexico"                                  
##  [4] "South Dakota"                                
##  [5] "Texas"                                       
##  [6] "California"                                  
##  [7] "Kentucky"                                    
##  [8] "Ohio"                                        
##  [9] "Alabama"                                     
## [10] "Georgia"                                     
## [11] "Wisconsin"                                   
## [12] "Oregon"                                      
## [13] "Pennsylvania"                                
## [14] "Mississippi"                                 
## [15] "Missouri"                                    
## [16] "North Carolina"                              
## [17] "Oklahoma"                                    
## [18] "West Virginia"                               
## [19] "New York"                                    
## [20] "Indiana"                                     
## [21] "Kansas"                                      
## [22] "Idaho"                                       
## [23] "Nevada"                                      
## [24] "Vermont"                                     
## [25] "Montana"                                     
## [26] "Minnesota"                                   
## [27] "North Dakota"                                
## [28] "Hawaii"                                      
## [29] "Arizona"                                     
## [30] "Delaware"                                    
## [31] "Rhode Island"                                
## [32] "Colorado"                                    
## [33] "Utah"                                        
## [34] "Virginia"                                    
## [35] "Wyoming"                                     
## [36] "Louisiana"                                   
## [37] "Michigan"                                    
## [38] "Massachusetts"                               
## [39] "Florida"                                     
## [40] "United States Virgin Islands"                
## [41] "Connecticut"                                 
## [42] "New Jersey"                                  
## [43] "Maryland"                                    
## [44] "South Carolina"                              
## [45] "Maine"                                       
## [46] "New Hampshire"                               
## [47] "District of Columbia"                        
## [48] "Guam"                                        
## [49] "Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands"
## [50] "American Samoa"                              
## [51] "Iowa"                                        
## [52] "Puerto Rico"                                 
## [53] "Arkansas"                                    
## [54] "Tennessee"                                   
## [55] "Illinois"                                    
## [56] "Alaska"
# Exclude states outside of CONUS 
conus = state_shapefile[!(state_shapefile$NAME %in% c("Alaska","Hawaii","American Samoa",
                        "United States Virgin Islands","Guam", "Puerto Rico",
                        "Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands")),] 

# plot CONUS as a vector using terra package

# Crop SpatRaster using USA polygon
usa_crop = crop(ras_stack, ext(conus))       # Crop raster to CONUS extent

# Plot cropped raster
plot(usa_crop[[1:4]], col=mypal2)

# Mask SpatRaster using USA polygon
ndvi_mask_usa = terra::mask(usa_crop, vect(conus))    # Mask raster to CONUS 

# Mask SpatRaster using USA polygon
     fun=function(){plot(vect(conus), add=TRUE)} # Add background states

Let’s crop raster for selected US states.

# Mask raster for selected states
states = c('Colorado','Texas','New Mexico')

# Subset the selected states from CONUS shapefile
state_plot = state_shapefile[(state_shapefile$NAME %in% states),] 

# Raster operation
states_trim = crop(ras_stack, ext(state_plot))                # Crop raster
ndvi_mask_states = terra::mask(states_trim, vect(state_plot)) # Mask

# Plot raster and shapefile
     fun=function(){plot(vect(conus), add=TRUE)} # Add background states

5.3 Layer-wise operations on SpatRaster

We will demonstrate common layer-wise arithmetic operations, summary statistics and data transformation on SpatRaster.

Arithmetic operations a.k.a arith-generic (+, -, *, /, ^, %%, %/%) on SpatRaster closely resemble simple vector-like operations. More details on arith-generic can be found here: For layer-wise summary statistics and user-defined operations, we will use global function.

Let’s try some layer-wise cell-statistics:

#~~~ Layer-wise cell-statistics 
# Layer-wise Mean
global(sub_ras_stack, mean, na.rm= T) # Mean of each raster layer. Try modal, median, min etc. 
##                             mean
## NDVI_resamp_2016-01-01 0.2840846
## NDVI_resamp_2016-02-02 0.2948298
## NDVI_resamp_2016-03-05 0.3057182
## NDVI_resamp_2016-05-24 0.4618550
## NDVI_resamp_2016-06-25 0.4997354
# Layer-wise quantiles
global(sub_ras_stack, quantile, probs=c(.25,.75), na.rm= T)
##                              X25.      X75.
## NDVI_resamp_2016-01-01 0.07188153 0.5135894
## NDVI_resamp_2016-02-02 0.08442930 0.5177374
## NDVI_resamp_2016-03-05 0.09917563 0.5113073
## NDVI_resamp_2016-05-24 0.23671686 0.6695234
## NDVI_resamp_2016-06-25 0.26000642 0.7303487
# User-defined statistics by defining own function
quant_fun = function(x) {quantile(x, probs = c(0.25, 0.75), na.rm=TRUE)} 
global(sub_ras_stack, quant_fun) # 25th, and 75th percentile of each layer
##                              X25.      X75.
## NDVI_resamp_2016-01-01 0.07188153 0.5135894
## NDVI_resamp_2016-02-02 0.08442930 0.5177374
## NDVI_resamp_2016-03-05 0.09917563 0.5113073
## NDVI_resamp_2016-05-24 0.23671686 0.6695234
## NDVI_resamp_2016-06-25 0.26000642 0.7303487
# Custom function for mean, variance and skewness
my_fun = function(x){ 
  meanVal=mean(x, na.rm=TRUE)              # Mean 
  varVal=var(x, na.rm=TRUE)                # Variance
  skewVal=moments::skewness(x, na.rm=TRUE) # Skewness
  output=c(meanVal,varVal,skewVal)         # Combine all statistics
  names(output)=c("Mean", "Var","Skew")    # Rename output variables
  return(output)                           # Return output

global(sub_ras_stack, my_fun) # Mean, Variance and skewness of each layer
##                             Mean        Var       Skew
## NDVI_resamp_2016-01-01 0.2840846 0.07224034  0.5409973
## NDVI_resamp_2016-02-02 0.2948298 0.06677124  0.5075244
## NDVI_resamp_2016-03-05 0.3057182 0.06171894  0.5018285
## NDVI_resamp_2016-05-24 0.4618550 0.05944947 -0.2721941
## NDVI_resamp_2016-06-25 0.4997354 0.06587261 -0.3392214
#You can also use summary() to retrieve common descriptive statistics
##  NDVI_resamp_2016.01.01 NDVI_resamp_2016.02.02 NDVI_resamp_2016.03.05
##  Min.   :-0.17          Min.   :-0.19          Min.   :-0.16         
##  1st Qu.: 0.07          1st Qu.: 0.08          1st Qu.: 0.10         
##  Median : 0.19          Median : 0.22          Median : 0.23         
##  Mean   : 0.28          Mean   : 0.29          Mean   : 0.31         
##  3rd Qu.: 0.51          3rd Qu.: 0.52          3rd Qu.: 0.51         
##  Max.   : 0.92          Max.   : 0.90          Max.   : 0.90         
##  NA's   :77736          NA's   :77094          NA's   :77106         
##  NDVI_resamp_2016.05.24 NDVI_resamp_2016.06.25
##  Min.   :-0.18          Min.   :-0.19         
##  1st Qu.: 0.24          1st Qu.: 0.26         
##  Median : 0.50          Median : 0.55         
##  Mean   : 0.46          Mean   : 0.50         
##  3rd Qu.: 0.67          3rd Qu.: 0.73         
##  Max.   : 0.89          Max.   : 0.91         
##  NA's   :77100          NA's   :77091

Global cell-statistics can be calculated by converting SpatRaster to a vector and then using regular statistics functions. We will use as.vector() to convert rasters to vector array before arithmetic operation.

#~~~ Global cell-statistics

# By vectorizing the SpatRaster and finding statistics
min_val=min(as.vector(sub_ras_stack), na.rm=T) 
max_val=max(as.vector(sub_ras_stack), na.rm=T)
## [1] -0.20000  0.95065
# Another example of statistics of vectorized SpatRaster
quant=quantile(as.vector(sub_ras_stack), c(0.01,0.99), na.rm=TRUE) #1st and 99th percentiles
##          1%         99% 
## -0.05663428  0.84776928

Layer-wise arithmetic operations on SpatRaster:

#~~~ Layer-wise operations on SpatRaster

# Arithmetic operations on SpatRaster are same as lists
add = sub_ras_stack+10                  # Add a number to raster layers
mult = sub_ras_stack*5                  # Multiply a number to raster layers
subset_mult = sub_ras_stack[[1:3]]*10   # Multiply a number to a subset of raster layers

# Data filtering based on cell-value
filter_stack = sub_ras_stack            # Create a RasterBrick to operate on
filter_stack[filter_stack<0.5] = NA     # Assign NA to any value less than 0.5

# Let's plot the filtered rasters
     col=mypal2,  # Color pal  
     asp=NA,      # Aspect ratio: NA, fill to plot space
     nc=2,        # Number of columns to arrange plots
    fun=function(){plot(vect(coastlines), add=TRUE)} # Add background map

# Layer-wise Log-transformation

# Normalize raster layers to [0,1] based on min and max of raster brick/stack
norm_stk=(sub_ras_stack-min_val)/(max_val-min_val) # Notice that the values are between [0,1]

# Plot in Robinson projection
mypal3 = cetcolor::cet_pal(20, name = "l5")

WorldSHP = st_as_sf(spData::world)

norm_NDVI= tm_shape(WorldSHP, projection = 'ESRI:54030', 
                    ylim = c(-65, 90)*100000, 
                    xlim = c(-152,152)*100000, 
                    raster.warp = T)+
  tm_shape(norm_stk[[2:5]], projection = 'ESRI:54030', raster.warp = FALSE) +
  tm_raster(palette = rev(mypal3), title = "Normalized NDVI", style = "cont")+
  tm_layout(main.title = "NDVI",
            main.title.fontfamily = "Times",
   = T,
            legend.outside = T,
            legend.outside.position = c("right", "top"),
            frame = FALSE, 
            #earth.boundary = c(-160, -65, 160, 88),
            earth.boundary.color = "grey",
            earth.boundary.lwd = 2,
            fontfamily = "Times")+
  tm_graticules(alpha = 0.2,                               # Add lat-long graticules
                labels.inside.frame = FALSE,  
                col = "lightgrey", n.x = 4, n.y = 3)+
  tm_facets(ncol = 2)


5.4 Cell-wise operations with app, lapp, tapp

We will now carry-out cell-wise operations on SpatRaster using the app(), tapp() and lapp() functions. These functions carry operations on each cell of a SpatRaster for all layers and are generally used to summarize the values of multiple layers into one layer. They are preferable in the presence of large raster datasets. Additionally, they allow you to save an output file directly.

5.4.1 app: Cell-wise operation on all layers

The app() function applies a function to each cell of a raster and is used to summarize (e.g., calculating the sum) the values of multiple layers into one layer.

#Let's look at the help section for app()

# Calculate mean of each grid cell across all layers
mean_ras = app(sub_ras_stack, fun=mean, na.rm = T)

# Calculate sum of each grid cell across all layers
sum_ras = app(sub_ras_stack, fun=sum, na.rm = T)

#~~ A user-defined function for mean, variance and skewness
my_fun = function(x){ 
  meanVal=mean(x, na.rm=TRUE)              # Mean 
  varVal=var(x, na.rm=TRUE)                # Variance
  skewVal=moments::skewness(x, na.rm=TRUE) # Skewness
  output=c(meanVal,varVal,skewVal)         # Combine all statistics
  names(output)=c("Mean", "Var","Skew")    # Rename output variables
  return(output)                           # Return output

# Apply user function to each cell across all layers
stat_ras = app(sub_ras_stack, fun=my_fun)

# Plot statistics
     col=mypal2,  # Color pal  
     asp=NA,      # Aspect ratio: NA, fill to plot space
     nc=2,        # Number of columns to arrange plots
     fun=function(){plot(vect(coastlines), add=TRUE)} # Add background map

DIY:Try plotting the same using tmap.

5.4.2 tapp: Cell-wise operation on layer groups

tapp() is an extension of app(), allowing us to select a subset of layers for which we want to perform a certain operation. Let’s have the first two layers as group 1 and the next three as group 2. Function will be applied to each group separately and 2 layers of output will be generated.

#Let's look at the help section for app()

#The layers are combined based on indexing.
stat_ras = terra::tapp(sub_ras_stack,
                     fun= mean)

# Try other functions: "sum", "mean", "median", "modal", "which", "which.min", "which.max", "min", "max", "prod", "any", "all", "sd", "first".

names(stat_ras) = c("Mean_of_rasters_1_to_2", "Mean_of_rasters_3_to_5")
# Two layers are formed, one for each group of indices

# Lets plot the two output rasters
     col=mypal2,  # Color pal  
     asp=NA,      # Aspect ratio: NA, fill to plot space
     nc=2,        # Number of columns to arrange plots
     fun=function(){plot(vect(coastlines), add=TRUE)} # Add background map

DIY: Try plotting the same using tidyterra.

5.4.3 lapp: layers as function arguments

The lapp() function allows to apply a function to each cell using layers as arguments.

#Let's look at the help section for app()

#User defined function for finding difference
diff_fun = function(a, b){ return(a-b) }

diff_rast = lapp(sub_ras_stack[[c(4, 2)]], fun = diff_fun)

#Plot NDVI difference
     col=mypal2,  # Color pal  
     asp=NA,      # Aspect ratio: NA, fill to plot space
     nc=2,        # Number of columns to arrange plots
     fun=function(){plot(vect(coastlines), add=TRUE)} # Add background map