Chapter 4 Geospatial operations on raster/vector data
4.1 Raster resampling
We will demonstrate how to change the resolution of Spatraster files using terra::aggregate
(fine to coarse), terra::disagg
(coarse to fine), and resampling values from one raster to another using terra::resample
function. We will use global aridity and soil moisture Spatrasters for this purpose.
# Importing SMAP soil moisture data
# Original resoluton of raster for reference
## [1] 0.373444 0.373444
#~~ Aggregate raster to coarser resolution
SMcoarse = terra::aggregate(sm, # Soil moisture raster
fact = 10, # Aggregate by x 10
fun = mean) # Function used to aggregate values
## [1] 3.73444 3.73444
#~~ Disaggregate raster to finer resolution
SMfine = terra::disagg(sm,
## [1] 0.1244813 0.1244813
4.2 Raster summary statistics
Arithmetic operations a.k.a. arith-generic (+, -, *, /, ^, %%, %/%) on Spatrasters closely resemble simple vector-like operations. More details on arith-generic can be found here:
We will use global
function to apply summary statistics and user-defined operations on cells of a raster.
# Simple arithmetic operations
print(sm2) # Try sm2=sm*10, or sm2=sm^2 and see the difference in sm2 values
## class : SpatRaster
## dimensions : 456, 964, 1 (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
## resolution : 0.373444, 0.373444 (x, y)
## extent : -180, 180, -85.24595, 85.0445 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84 (EPSG:4326)
## source : memory
## name : SMAP_SM
## min value : 0.03999996
## max value : 1.753352
## mean
## SMAP_SM 0.209402
## sd
## SMAP_SM 0.1434444
## X25. X75.
## SMAP_SM 0.09521707 0.2922016
# User-defined statistics by defining own function
quant_fun = function(x, na.rm=TRUE){ # Remember to add "na.rm" option
quantile(x, probs = c(0.25, 0.75), na.rm=TRUE)
global(sm, quant_fun) # 25th, and 75th percentile of each layer
## X25. X75.
## SMAP_SM 0.09521707 0.2922016
Note: With a multi-layered raster object, global
will summarize each layer separately.
4.3 Summarizing rasters using shapefles
Let’s explore using a spatial polygon/shapefile for summarizing a raster (in this case, global SMAP soil moisture) by using extract
function from the terra
library. We will also transform global aridity raster to a polygon using as.polygons
and st_as_sf
functions to find the mean soil moisture values for each aridity class.
First, we will use the IPCC shapefile to summarize the soil moisture raster.
# Using shapefile to summarize a raster
sm_IPCC_df=terra::extract(sm, # Spatraster to be summarized
vect(IPCC_shp), # Shapefile/ polygon to summarize the raster
df=TRUE, # Gives the summary statistics as a dataframe
fun=mean, # Desired statistic: mean, sum, min and max
na.rm=TRUE)# Ignore NA values? TRUE=yes!
## 1 1 0.2545766
## 2 2 0.3839087
## 3 3 0.2345457
## 4 4 0.3788003
## 5 5 0.2383580
## 6 6 0.1475145
# Extract cell values for each region
sm_IPCC_list=terra::extract(sm, # Raster to be summarized
vect(IPCC_shp), # Shapefile/ polygon to summarize the raster
df=FALSE, # Returns a list
fun=NULL, # fun=NULL will output cell values within each region
na.rm=TRUE) # Ignore NA values? yes!
# Apply function on cell values for each region
sm_IPCC_list %>%
as_tibble() %>%
group_by(ID) %>%
summarise(mean_SM = mean(SMAP_SM, na.rm =T))
## # A tibble: 41 x 2
## ID mean_SM
## <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 1 0.255
## 2 2 0.384
## 3 3 0.235
## 4 4 0.379
## 5 5 0.238
## 6 6 0.148
## 7 7 0.110
## 8 8 0.336
## 9 9 0.399
## 10 10 0.320
## # i 31 more rows
#~~ Try user defined function
myfun=function (y){return(mean(y, na.rm=TRUE))} # User defined function for calculating means
sm_IPCC_list %>%
as_tibble() %>%
group_by(ID) %>%
summarise(mean_SM = myfun(SMAP_SM))
## # A tibble: 41 x 2
## ID mean_SM
## <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 1 0.255
## 2 2 0.384
## 3 3 0.235
## 4 4 0.379
## 5 5 0.238
## 6 6 0.148
## 7 7 0.110
## 8 8 0.336
## 9 9 0.399
## 10 10 0.320
## # i 31 more rows
4.4 DIY: Summarize raster using classified raster
In the next example, we will convert global aridity raster into a polygon based on aridity classification using as.polygons
and st_as_sf
Global aridity raster has 5 classes with 5 indicating humid and 1 indicating hyper-arid climate. We will use this polygon to extract values from the Spatraster and summarize soil moisture for each aridity class.
#~~~ Convert a raster to a shapefile
aridity=rast("./SampleData-master/raster_files/aridity_36km.tif") #Global aridity
# Convert raster to shapefile
arid_poly=st_as_sf(as.polygons(aridity)) # Convert SpatRaster to polygon and then to sf
# Plot aridity polygon
col=arid_poly$aridity_36km) # Colors based on aridity values (i.e. 1,2,3,4,5)
Summarize values of SMAP soil moisture raster for aridity classes:
sm_arid_df=terra::extract(sm, # Raster to be summarized
vect(arid_poly), # Shapefile/ polygon to summarize the raster
df=TRUE, # Gives the summary statistics as a dataframe
fun=mean, # Desired statistic: mean, sum, min and max
na.rm=TRUE)# Ignore NA values? yes!
# Lets plot the climate-wise mean of surface soil moisture
xaxt = "n", # Disable x-tick labels
xlab="Aridity", # X axis label
ylab="Soil moisture", # Y axis label
type="b", # line type
col="blue", # Line color
main="Climate-wise mean of surface soil moisture")
axis(1, at=1:5, labels=c("Hyper-arid", "Arid", "Semi-Arid","Sub-humid","Humid"))}