Chapter 2 Import libraries and sample dataset

We will begin by loading necessary libraries. The sample dataset for this excercise can be downloaded manually from GitHub by accessing

Alternatively, use the following code to download and extract the sample data from GitHub repository.

Install all necessary packages (Run once).

#~~~ Load required libraries
lib_names=c("terra", "tidyterra", "cetcolor", "scico", "tmap",    
            "gifski", "lubridate", #"Rcpp", 
            "sf", "sp", "exactextractr","readxl", 
# Load necessary packages
              (lib_names, require, character.only = T))))

# An easy way to load multiple packages is through pacman::p_load
# pacman::p_load("raster","ggplot2","unikn","mapview",
#             "gridExtra","rgdal","fields",
#             "RColorBrewer","ncdf4","rasterVis", "moments", "tictoc", "tibble")

# Update packages if they are already installed
# update.package(ask = FALSE)

Note: The legacy R spatial infrastructure packages - maptools, rgdal and rgeos have been archived by CRAN from October 16, 2023; these retired packages will continue to be available as source packages on but won’t undergo any further development.
We will now download the workshop repository, which contains all data we will use for this exercise.

#~~~ Import sample data from GitHub repository
download.file(url = "",
destfile = "")    # Download ".Zip"

# Unzip the downloaded .zip file
unzip(zipfile = "")
# getwd()                           # Current working directory
list.files("./SampleData-master")   # List folder contents
##  [1] "CMIP_land"                               
##  [2] "functions"                               
##  [3] "images"                                  
##  [4] "Largescale_geospatial_analysis_2022.html"
##  [5] "Largescale_geospatial_analysis_2023.html"
##  [6] "location_points.xlsx"                    
##  [7] "ne_10m_coastline"                        
##  [8] "raster_files"                            
##  [9] ""                               
## [10] "sample_pdfs"                             
## [11] ""                          
## [12] "SMAPL4_H5"                               
## [13] "SMAPL4_rasters"                          
## [14] "SMOS_nc"                                 
## [15] "USA_states"                              
## [16] "Workbook_DVGAR21-Part1.html"             
## [17] "Workbook_DVGAR21-Part2.html"